Inner Peace to Go

When to take a break

Sandy Cohen

How do you know when it's time to take a break and if you really need one?

Breaks are part of the rhythm of life -- and they're essential to success.

We all need them. That's why football games have halftime and bears hibernate all winter!

I will be taking a break from producing weekly episodes of "Inner Peace to Go" until I finish the internship required for my Master's of Public Health degree (almost there- woohooo!)

I'll still be hosting my monthly book club, so if you'd like to connect in person on Zoom once a month, please join me there. It's free and super fun. We talk self-help!

Thank you so much for supporting this podcast and please keep an ear out for the occasional episodes I'll be dropping during my break.

Please keep in touch! I'm on Instagram @YouKnowSandy and at

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