Inner Peace to Go
A podcast about how to find more peace and ease in your life without meditating on a mountaintop for years. Learn from science, from sages and from self-help about how to bring more balance and joy to your everyday life through small, actionable steps. Featuring interviews with experts and other amazing people who share their paths to peace, insights from scientific studies and actionable tips you can put into practice today. Hosted by journalist Sandy Cohen (on Instagram & Twitter @YouKnowSandy) with new episodes weekly.
91 episodes
Celebrate yourself
You do a lot. You juggle tons of responsibilities and relationships at home and at work, and nobody gives you any awards or praise for most of it. Well, that ends now, because today we're talking about celebrating yourself and how acknowledging...
Season 3
Episode 80

How sound healing supports inner harmony
Whether you've been to dozens of sound baths or have no idea what a sound bath is, you're bound to learn something from guests Julie Afsahi and Jessica Cross, both sound healers and yoga teachers and the authors of the new book, "Seasons of Sou...
Season 3
Episode 79

Making peace with uncertainty
Uncertainty is part of life, so when I heard a commercial for a psychic company recently whose tagline was "Discover the joy of certainty," I had to laugh. Humans prefer certainty -- it was key to our ancient ancestors' survival --...
Season 3
Episode 78

How to love yourself
Loving ourselves might not feel easy, but it's a practice we can cultivate -- and it's totally worth it! Self-love increases resilience, helps reduce stress, boosts confidence and inspires us to go after our goals.In this episode, we ta...
Season 3
Episode 77

Is your brain unruly?
As the owner of a human brain, you possess one of the most complex and sophisticated pieces of machinery on the planet. And you're in charge of it!We're talking this week about your brilliant brain and how to use it to generate greater ...
Season 3
Episode 76

Better brain health with Mary Lou Tierney
Want a better brain? Of course you do! This week, brain health expert Mary Lou Tierney is on the podcast, sharing tips for turning down the stress response and keeping our brain healthy throughout our lives.In this episode, we discuss n...
Season 3
Episode 75

Savoring happy moments
Have you ever eaten something so delicious that you spontaneously close your eyes so you can more fully immerse yourself in its scrumptiousness, so you can truly savor it?Savoring isn't just for food. Research shows that allowing oursel...
Season 3
Episode 74

How to see the good
Life can feel like an endless to-do list, with lots of "stuff" but not a lot of meaning, to the point where we look around and go, "Is this it?! Is this really what life's about?"One way to shift out of this view and bring more richness...
Season 3
Episode 73

Find your feet
Learn a quick and easy technique to ground yourself, get out of your head and change your mental energy in about a minute. I hope you love this "find your feet" exercise as much as I do!
Season 3
Episode 72

It's not too late
No matter how old you are, no matter what you've done or not done, it is not too late to go after your dreams or create a life you love.The biggest obstacle standing between you and your dreams is the mistaken belief that it's too late....
Season 3
Episode 71

The Power of the Pomodoro
Multitasking may be the norm, but monotasking is where it's at when it comes to making meaningful progress while maintaining inner peace.This week, I share my favorite technique for time management and mental focus -- the Pomodoro Techn...
Season 3
Episode 70

Overcoming Overwhelm
Nothing interferes with our inner peace like having too much to do and not enough time to do it. This week, we're talking about what contributes to that feeling of overwhelm and how to shift how we think about the things on our to-...
Season 3
Episode 69

Lighten up, Francis
The 1981 movie "Stripes," starring Bill Murray and John Candy as enlistees in the Army, features a scene with a tough-guy character who says his name is Francis but everyone calls him "Psycho." And if you call him Francis, he'll kill you....
Season 3
Episode 68

Inner peace is part of your brain
We often think of inner peace as a state of mind, but it's actually a physical part of the brain, according to Harvard neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor.Dr. Taylor is the author of the fascinating book, "My Stroke of Insight," in which s...
Season 3
Episode 67

20 seconds to inner peace
What if a 20-second "micropractice" is all it takes to feel less stress and more self-compassion?That's what researchers at U.C. Berkeley found in a study...
Season 3
Episode 66

The how & why of self-compassion
If your inner critic is working overtime to help you reach your goals -- and reminding you what a loser you are any time you fall short -- you're not alone. But there's a better way, and not only does it feel WAY better than consta...
Season 3
Episode 65

Your Miraculous Body
What did you have to do to earn the ability to circulate your blood, digest your food, grow your hair and heal your broken bones? Not a damn thing!This week, we're talking about how our body's capacity to heal itself is evidence of your...
Season 3
Episode 64

Your inherent worth
Most of us have been raised to believe that our value comes from what we do -- whether we're successful at work, get good grades, make a lot of money, etc.But when you were a baby, you did none of those things, and yet nobody around you...
Season 3
Episode 63

Who do you think you are?
When we think about who we are, we generally go to our name, maybe age or gender, and the roles we play in our life: a mom, a sister, a lawyer, etc. But there's bountiful peace to be had when we expand our notion of who we are to t...
Season 3
Episode 62

Beware these thought traps!
Our thoughts are a key way we make sense of the world, so it's easy to default into thinking our thoughts are true. It must be true because I thought it!Of course, our thoughts are just as fallible as any other human endeavor. Our thoug...
Season 3
Episode 61

#60: Don't believe everything you think
Years ago I saw a bumper sticker that said "Don't believe everything you think" and I thought it was so funny -- like that's even possible!?!But now, more than a decade into my journey into developing more inner peace, I know that decid...
Season 3
Episode 60

When to take a break
How do you know when it's time to take a break and if you really need one?Breaks are part of the rhythm of life -- and they're essential to success.We all need them. That's why football games have halftime and bears hibernate al...

Look how far you've come
In the hustle culture we live in, it's always about GO GO GO! What's next, whatcha doing, whatcha getting? We look out at the horizon at all the things we want and goals we hope to achieve.There is great value in taking a moment to look...