Inner Peace to Go
A podcast about how to find more peace and ease in your life without meditating on a mountaintop for years. Learn from science, from sages and from self-help about how to bring more balance and joy to your everyday life through small, actionable steps. Featuring interviews with experts and other amazing people who share their paths to peace, insights from scientific studies and actionable tips you can put into practice today. Hosted by journalist Sandy Cohen (on Instagram & Twitter @YouKnowSandy) with new episodes weekly.
Inner Peace to Go
Making peace with uncertainty
Sandy Cohen
Season 3
Episode 78
Uncertainty is part of life, so when I heard a commercial for a psychic company recently whose tagline was "Discover the joy of certainty," I had to laugh.
Humans prefer certainty -- it was key to our ancient ancestors' survival -- but uncertainty is the way of reality. Besides gravity on Earth, few things are reliably certain. Who could have imagined a global pandemic would shut down the world in March of 2020?!
So in this episode, we talk about practical strategies for making peace with uncertainty, and dialing down the anxiety that accompanies facing the unknown.
Please keep in touch! I'm on Instagram @YouKnowSandy and at innerpeacetogo.com.
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