Inner Peace to Go

Beware these thought traps!

Sandy Cohen Season 3 Episode 61

Our thoughts are a key way we make sense of the world, so it's easy to default into thinking our thoughts are true. It must be true because I thought it!

Of course, our thoughts are just as fallible as any other human endeavor. Our thoughts aren't always true, and they definitely aren't always helpful. Our thoughts can stress us out and make us feel stuck. They can make us feel bad about ourselves and the circumstances of our lives.

One simple way to know if your thoughts are painting a biased picture of reality is to notice if there are any cognitive distortions at play. These are common thought habits that result in us feeling bad, limited and stressed. But once you know what they are, they're easier to spot. And when you spot them, you know those thoughts are incomplete. They're flawed because they're filtered through a negative lens.

This episode covers some of the most common cognitive distortions so you can learn to spot them and start thinking more accurate, helpful thoughts this week. 

Please keep in touch! I'm on Instagram @YouKnowSandy and at

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